

sometimes life can jus be so crazy.. i have been so emotional this past week.. i dont know why..
i feel so incomplete with myself.. like blah.. i really need something i just dont know what is missing.. im not happy with myself.. im not happy with alot of things.. i dont want to feel like this... i want a lot of things to be different.. ughhh.. im going to cry.
cry like this.




booo. work has been so crzy lately. due to Valentine's day.. but thank god its dying down.. its been a mad house.. im really excited cause it has been warm out side its giving me spring fever cause the weather guy keeps saying it is going to snow again..(i hate that) im wanting spring time feelings.. i wanna go to the drumcircle.. and maybe even dance.. i wanna go to memorial grove for a nice hike as well..sunshine on my face.. and my legs. im so dang white.. its gross.. yea.. anyways.. umm
 zane is getting so big its crazy he was 18 months on the 9th of Feb.. its so crazy.. he is already in that Terrible 2's stage.. he thinks he so funny sometimes when he does something and  he knows he isnt supposed to.trav got his job back so thats good!! i hope things get better.. they already have but the only place to go is up from where we have been....
Some people think that im not happy.. and i am..im really happy i have a loving little family. and a boyfriend that does anything i ask of him.. its nobody elses business anyways so why does it matter.. gah.
some people i just dont understand.. they are so concerned about everyone else when they should be looking at themselves..  so boo to all of you haters.. worry about your own life.. not mine.. thnx tho..
byee homieees.
<3 me



Alright.. so as of late i have been terribly negative.. i need to stop this..
I dont do it on purpose really..
 i need to be happy and POSITIVE.
i just need to.. cause it will make things better.. right?
so lets try this out im going to try to be positive from here on out and see if it will make any difference in how things go in my life.. i love my life dont get me wrong.. but sometimes things are just alot harder then they need to be.. and maybe it is because of my negative attitude.. i donno but lets try this staying positve thing out.. maybe things will be better..

in every life we have some trouble,
when you worry you make it double
don't worry, be happy






im so tired everysingleee morning these days.
i need a vacation..
bad. it would be so nice to juss
get awayy from thangs.
thinggs are changing.. i hope..
if not imma make em change..
its so bitterly cold outside.. i know that there
is going to be six more weeks of winter..
stupid groundhogs day.. what a joke.
blahh... i really want some danky mexican food.
that sounds soo yummmy..
i want to go shopping.. and get some new things.
I wish i was richh geeez.
i cant wait for warmer days..
i always say that tho.. it seems so far away..
but i kno it will be here before we kno..
ahh.. work is boring an full of fakes.
welllll peace hommmes.
Superbowl on SUnday!! woooo!