its about here i can feel it in my bones.
I cannot wait for the warm sunshine hittin my skin
warming my body and my mind
all the great things spring has to offer is wonderful
*yard work
*chasing zane outside
*summer inching closer!
*ice cream man
the list goes on and on
i cannot wait!
so i have been working at Mrs. Fields Gifts for almost 6 months now
I really love it. tho i am a temp and my place her is not certain
I dont want to leave. Its so nice to finally be working and making my own money i dont
know what i would do if i got laid of.. this being my first job in about 2 years
i now realize it was hell being home all day long.. even tho i miss spending my
days with my little love Zane Anthony.
but now he is growing a bond with his father that is Great!
he is certainly becoming a daddys boy. im not going to lie
im a little jealous..
in a little less then 5 months my baby will now be a toddler
the big 2.
yes he has already began the terrible 2 phase.
trying to hit and throw things and yell when he doesnt get his way.
sometimes the looks on his face i cant help but to give in.
he pulls this new little fake crying face where his lips curl down
and his eyes squint downward like he is trying to push out tears.
Awe. i just love my little guy.
some crazy things have happend to me the last couple days that has
brought my spirit down a little but it is what it is. and
i connot let this happen to me everytime something bad happens
i have got to keep my chin up and my pride high
even tho things could be better.
but cant things always be better then what the are?
my hard work will pay off