oh a nice lil break
This weekend was so nice.. me and trav actually got a babysitter.. we didnt do much.. we went to the pie ate some pizza and then actually went and picked zane up cause we missed him.. how lame are we!! we get a break we have been dying for and still want Zane with us.. makes me smile.. but my weekend mostly consisted of Coffee, Country Music and Cleaning.. is was exhilerating i guess. it felt nice to get some much needed spring cleaning done.. Monday came way to fast.. i hope the week goes as fast as it came.. even tho i work this weekend! the extra hours will be so nice on the payheck!! $$$$$ i need money bad.. i know everyone does in these times.. but its that much better when your workin for it.. oh my..well good bye blog. sorry for not so much... gooood dayyy.